A lovely restaurant experience.
The Grass
Here I was walking, minding my own business, then a restaurant so immaculate on the outside caught my attention. It had the view of the dam, flying ducks, birds chirping the works, so I thought to myself, let me try this place out. Of course for copyright and legal purposes I will give this place a false name, I will call it "The Grass".
Upon entering you meet this wonderful calm, peaceful atmosphere, with almost the entire restaurant staring at you as if you a celebrity (No really they were staring)I do not know if there was something off with my makeup or my boyfriends ridiculous cowboy hat that he was wearing. Anyways, upon entering things were going so smoothly up until the moment of picking a table and decide what we should eat came about and ruined all that.
Nothing but confusion
First of all, the menu was piece of white A4 paper, typed in romans font size 14 (so much for creativity). There was no prices on the menu, they tried to be clever and use catchy terms such as "the ocean" to describe meals such as prawns, shellfish, sushi, the works, but nah, it fell flat. The only beverages they had were alcoholic, and the waiter had to verbally list the drinks that were available, I mean what is the point of the A4 piece of menu if it will not mention the full services of the restaurant. So, Khumalo and I, 10 minutes into the decision making process decided to call it quits, but did not want to disappoint the excited waiter who was eager to serve us, we ordered, whatever was on the A4 piece of menu, and let the waiter go inside, and decided to leave the place.
All in all the experience was lovely and I would recommend it if you have nothing better to do with your life.
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