The Q&A feature of the App is deprecated The development of the RoboTut app made the UniTut app feature absolute. We are developing the RoboTut app so that it can handle only features that are not the main functionality of UniTut. It is not the only reason why we are removing it there though, development of UniTut lite was not scalable due to an architecture design we initially chose. RoboTut It is not ready yet for production, but it is available for open testing. Features algebra simplify and solve for x trivia( Q&A) patterns and series statistics and many more Download RoboTut
Why liminal spaces are uncertain and ambiguous and promote a feeling of communitas amongst the people who occupy these spaces. Posted by Sikhanyisiwe Mkhonto We are constantly moving from one space to another. These are often large socially constructed spaces that create meanings or serve a function in our society. There are however spaces where we are neither in nor out. This space is the centre of two large spaces. A small space where one feels connected with the fellow members who are occupying that small space in that moment (Shortt, 2015: 634). Turner investigated the works of Arnold Van Gepp who spoke of the concept of ‘rite de passage.’ Victor Turner’s focus was the liminal period of a ritual. ‘Liminality is ambiguous, this is because the individual is not being classified into any category which confirms their role in a cultural society’ (Turner, 1969: 95). In this liminal period members involved experience a sense of harmony, this is what Turner labels as communit...
How to earn money while helping students on UniTut UniTut uses a new way of advertising and making money. We firmly believe that everyone should make money from their content and not have to wait to qualify before they can make money. With our system every time you help a student by giving an answer, writing an exam tip, or providing extra support you get to monetize that traffic. Let's face it, it's your content then why shouldn't you earn from it? How does it work? You simply provide a link from Adsterra to us then we include it in our system. The more clicks you get the more money you gonna make. Well with our system your links get a preview that increases the chances of them being clicked and therefore money for you How to Apply? It's easy to apply for monetization, register with Adsterra here , and create a direct link. you don't have to be an owner of the website or app to start making money from that platform. ...
Topics Friction Thermodynamics Heat Description Move the Chemistry book and observe what happens. Sample Learning Goals Describe a model for friction a molecular level. Describe matter in terms of molecular motion. The description should include: diagrams to support the description, how the temperature affects the image, what are the differences and similarities between solid, liquid and gas particle motion; how the size and speed of gas molecules relate to everyday objects.
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