When I created MT invest I understood that every successful business will need funds; anyone who's running their startup can attest to that. Our latest business is MHlophe WIFI and it's at its infant stage, we have a big vision for it, and to shortly summarise why we need funding, I'd say we want to stop relying on other ISP(internet service providers) such as MTN and Vodacom for infrastructure. We want to build our own network tower here in Dennilton. This will enable us to have control over pricing and network speed, and we will no longer rely on expensive routers to deliver great internet connectivity to you guys. We also have a lot of websites and mobile apps and games you can invest in. For games and websites those funds will be used for audience growth( more downloads more money ) as such we will have an increase in revenue generated through in-app purchases and advertising, as an investor you get your share in thatπ We do not only focus on MT( MHlophe Tech) produc...
Are you free? we often think we are free but are we really free? this question sounds so simple yet it is actually not. What does it even mean to be free? Well in this post I will explain to the best of my knowledge what is free will and whether we have it or not. can you escape fate? Let's consider the story below: When Thabiso was born a prophet foretold that he would grow up to kill his father and then marry his mother. His father fearing for his life decided to leave the baby in the wilderness with the hope that he will die, thefore the prophecy will not come true. The baby was found by another couple, and grew up knowing them as his parents. The boy heard of the prophecy, not knowing his adopted and because he loves his father(adopted) he decided to go away from his family to avoid the prophecy. In the way he met and killed a man and then felt bad for the wife of this man, he decided to marry her. The man he met is in fact his fat...
There are many reasons why a website can be slow UniTut web apps are are only slow the first time you visit them because they load all important resources that run the website functionalities on your local browser, making it easy for you to access the site again without the use of data bundles/internet connection. PWA The sites are using PWA (progressive web app) technology to enable features on the web that ain't natively supported. The website is designed with the end user in mind, we don't want you to exhaust your data plan on our sites. In short our websites are slow the first time you visit because we want to save your data in future visits.
Topics Molecules Photons Absorption Light Description Turn light source on to explore. Observe what happens in the observation window as you set up different combinations of light source and molecule. Note this simulation is the first to support our pan and zoom feature, so zoom in for a closer look, if you need to. Sample Learning Goals Explore how light interacts with molecules in our atmosphere Identify that absorption of light depends on the molecule and the type of light Relate the energy of the light to the resulting motion Identify that energy increases from microwave to ultraviolet Predict the motion of a molecule based on the type of light it absorbs Identify how the structure of a molecule affects how it interacts with light
Topics Friction Thermodynamics Heat Description Move the Chemistry book and observe what happens. Sample Learning Goals Describe a model for friction a molecular level. Describe matter in terms of molecular motion. The description should include: diagrams to support the description, how the temperature affects the image, what are the differences and similarities between solid, liquid and gas particle motion; how the size and speed of gas molecules relate to everyday objects.
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