A traumatic era

On a serious note, I do not come bearing good news, from an in house robbery, to being rejected by something important in my life, to an unexpected turn of events that keep on spiraling out of control all happening under a space of two weeks, I think its safe to say I need therapy. 

However, remember my post on gratitude? I think it would be hypocritical of me to not note the positive things that have been happening amidst all this chaos. I am grateful I am still alive, things could have turned for the worse, I mean, an in house robbery, where one is pointed with a gun and still makes it out alive, that is worth praising. Yes, the trauma is real, Its like a shadow that follows you everywhere you go, and plays you your least favorite part of the movie, time and time again with no, pause, fast forward or delete button(hence the therapy I am recommending to myself), However I am grateful for the life I have, I can still live to tell my story of survival (to myself of course). 


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