Why we chose Adsterra intead of adsense or Propellerads
Adsense VS PropellerAds Vs Adsterra Adsense is the Google advertising network for monetization of websites. It's the most popular form of advertising amongst other networks including adsterra and propeller ads. As beautiful and reliable as Adsense is, it is very difficult to get your website approved by the team because it needs to meet a lot of requirements. Your website needs to have content, I said CONTENT, It's not easy for new websites to meet the minimum amount of original content. They also need a properly formatted site, well this is the hardest requirement for websites build on nonHTML standard that uses canvas instead of semantic tags like paragraphs and headings. UniTut uses flutter and the framework renders to a canvas, for that we had difficulties using Adsense. PropellerAds was the second option we tried after Adsense, it's great but it has limited ad formats. We tested it and came to a conclusion that it's not ap...